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Investor Presentaiton

Our People We are embedding a culture that drives engagement through the safety, wellbeing and diversity of our people Safety of our people Gender diversity Engagement Continued improvement in contractor injuries, offset by an increase in employee injuries compared to FY22 Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)1 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 +2 3.4 2.3 4.5 APA Overall Employees Contractors 2 0 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Contractor Employee Overall Continued focus on improving our female representation Implementation of APA's Culture Plan Goo LEPP 31.8% Total female representation increased from 29.5% in FY22 31.4% Senior female leadership representation (2) increased from 30.4% in FY22 ÅÅÅ +7% Strong improvement in our employee Engagement Score of 71% (3) Our engagement score is now above the Gartner Benchmark 1. TRIFR is measured as the number of lost time and medically treated injuries sustained per million hours worked. Data includes both employees and contractors. TRIFR data in this presentation has been independently assured by Deloitte as part of APA's limited assurance of its FY23 safety performance metrics. 2. Senior Leaders comprises "Other executives/general managers" and "senior managers" as reported to WGEA 3. Increase in the FY23 Engagement score against FY22 Engagement Score. The Engagement score tells us that our people are confident in the future performance of APA; they are committed and willing to put in discretionary effort to achieve our objectives. apa APA FY23 Results Investor Presentation 15
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