Renewable Natural Gas Growth and CO2 Emission Reduction Strategies slide image

Renewable Natural Gas Growth and CO2 Emission Reduction Strategies

Energy Transition may Enrich & Empower Adversarial Governments KINDER MORGAN IEA Net Zero Scenario suggests mineral requirements for clean energy technologies would need to grow 6x by 2050 MARKET SIZE & LEVEL OF GEOGRAPHICAL CONCENTRATION 2019 10 000 Oil Hydrocarbons are abundant and geographically diverse Market size (USD billion) 1 000 100 10 10 Natural gas Coal Copper Nickel Energy transition minerals are geographically concentrated Lithium Minerals PROCESSING OF SELECT MINERALS & FOSSIL FUELS BY TOP 3 COUNTRIES IN EACH CATEGORY 2019 Fossil fuels Oil refining US LNG export Qatar Copper China Nickel China Cobalt China Lithium China Rare earths Platinum Rare earth elements Cobalt 1 0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6.000 Competitive Concentrated Herfindahl-Hirschman Index China 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Russia Australia ■Chile ■Japan Indonesia -Finland Belgium Argentina ■Malaysia Estonia China ("the only country with the intent to reshape international order" – Blinken) dominates the world's mineral processing Left source: IEA (2021) World Energy Outlook, World Energy Outlook 2021 - Analysis – IEA. All rights reserved. Right: IEA (2021) The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions, The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions - Analysis - IEA. All rights reserved. 14
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