Investor Presentaiton
Environmental, Social and Governance
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reflects a company's potential for sustainable growth in aspect of environmental protection, social
responsibility and corporate governance
ESG becomes an important factor to evaluate company's value while regulators requires more detailed ESG disclosure for listed companies. Fosun
Pharma responded actively. In 2021, Fosun Pharma's MSCI ESG rating was improved from BB to BBB
In August 2022, the first Fortune China ESG Impact List was announced, with 40 companies on the list. Fosun Pharma topped the list for the
remarkable achievements in ESG.
E nvironment
Established EHS Committee and EHS
Working Group to continuously improve
EHS policies and set strategic goals for
EHS management
Zero external environmental pollution
incidents and zero major
environmental penalties in 2021
Reduced carbon emissions by 24,146
tons, saved 7,465,000 kWh of electricity
and 339,000 m³ of natural gas
14 major member enterprises have
ISO14001 environmental management
system certification, accounting for 41%
of the total number of manufacturing
member enterprises
Continuously addressing unmet clinical needs
and improving product accessibility and
affordability to reach more patients
By the end of 2021, antimalarial drug
Artesunate has saved more than 48 million
lives worldwide. 175 million children in Africa
benefited from the SPAQ-CO Dispersible,
effectively reducing the incidence of malaria in
children under 5 years of age in Africa
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic, Fosun Pharma has deployed global
resources to develop and provide products in
preventing, testing and treating COVID-19, to
ensure the supply of test kit, emergency drugs
and medical devices, including donated 5,000
bottles of Azvudine to Tibet, donated 40,000
COVID-19 Antigen Test Kits to Wuxi etc.
Established ESG Committee at the Board
level to regularly set ESG objectives and
identify corporate risks. Strengthening
corporate governance and promoting
sustainable development with ESG
The Anti-Corruption Supervision
Department (ACSD) designed a
comprehensive anti-corruption system,
upholding the value based on honesty and
integrity at the headquarter of Fosun
Pharma and within member enterprises
through training, audits, etc.
Upheld the professional, branded,
digital and compliant marketing system
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