Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

time Recording Sanctions START 18:58 TEAM UOA B SIIV V VI SES 426157 POINTS AUOC TEAM END time | |│| || | |||||||V V VI 8122341 : : : (12) : : : 10:15 : : WW 2 3 5 589 10:16 : 9 10 X 4 7 11 13 15 2 11 Notice there is no check mark, 16 as this player will not serve POINTS 19 due to the imposed sanction. A point that is scored as a result of a Penalty (red card) is recorded by circling the point AND by ticking it off. ● Score is 10 - 16, with U of C #8 serving • U of A wins the rally: Score becomes 11 - 16 Penalty #4, team B, set 2, 11:16 - Circle team A Point 17
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