BRI Performance Highlights and Green Initiatives slide image

BRI Performance Highlights and Green Initiatives

BRI ESG PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHT Environmental Highlights Social Highlights BRI Assets BRI Green Loan Portfolio (as of Dec 2022) IDR 78.8T Loans disbursed to Green Sectors 7.7% of BRI total loan disbursement Renewable Energy: IDR 7.1 T Green Transportations: IDR 12.1 T Green Building: 1.4 T Other Environmentally-Friendly Business: IDR 58.2 T Liabilities (as of December 2021) BRI Green Bond 2022 BRI Sustainability Bond 2019 31% of total bond proceeds in 2021 70% for Green Project (based on total bond proceed allocated POJK POJK 60/2017) (as of December 2021) Assets BRI Social Loan Portfolio (as of Dec 2022) IDR 616.1T 59.8% Loans disbursed to Social Sectors of BRI total loan disbursement PNM Mekaar Empowering underprivileged women through the ultra micro ecosystem Liabilities 13.9 million IDR 35.8T Total Oustanding Women Borrowers (as of December 2021) BRI Sustainability Bond 2019 BRI Green Bond 2022 total bond proceed allocated 69% of total bond proceeds in 2021 30% for other sectors i.e. MSMEs were used for Social Projects Operation Ultra Micro Holding (based on POJK POJK 60/2017) were used for Green Projects BRI Digital BRI Digital Savings has the potential to reduce emissions Savings Operations from customers' commutes & less use of paper Green House Gas (GHG) Emisions ā†“ 1.4% Gross Emission Reduction from Scope 1 & Scope 2 (fuel & electricity) 197.4% 15.5% Gross Emission Reduction Gross Emission Reduction from business travels from paper usage Senyum Mobile Human Capital -70,000 Number of BRI, PGD, PNM sales forces with access to Senyum mobile Co-Location Employee 43% Women Employee Breakdown +1000 BRI Green Building 0 0 BRILIAN Tower received a gold category greenship certificate from the Green Building Council Indonesia units across Indonesia Data Analytics (as of December 2022) -28.0 million customers database identified 0000 Governance Highlights BRI Governance Rating Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) 95.18 "Most Trusted Company" The higher CGPI Score among others SOE Bank, with an increase in score from 93.25 (2019) to 95.10 (2021). ESG Governance at BRI Dedicated ESG Division Established an ESG Division, a dedicate team that is responsible for ESG and Sustainable Finance implementation at BRI Top 3 Public Listed Companies in ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard 110.2 Increased form 93.5 in 2019 ESG Committee Established a dedicated ESG Committee lead CEO. by The Committee is responsible in Review and evaluate the implementation of ESG policies and initiatives. Establish and recommend ESG work programs. Customer's Data Privacy & IT Security Management 1 Dedicated Data Privacy & IT Security Division Composition 2022 Women BRI Green Operation Board of Management -23% By Gender Senior Management (VP-SVP-SEVP) -16% 2023 Women -23% -17% 2 Employee Public Vehicle Electric Charging Station (SPKLU) Electric vehicles as operational vehicles *Percent reduction represents FY2021 performance vs FY2019 baseline Engagement Survey 2022 2021 3.48 3.46 2019 3.39 Enterprise Data Management Division a Division that specifically handles Data Management IT Security Certified certified PA-DSS (Payment Application-Data Security Standard) for BRI's Direct Debit API 00000 Information Security Division a Division that specifically handles Cyber Security ISO 27001:2013 For Big Data, Open API, Card Production Managing Event & Cyber Threat Monitoring, Spacecraft Operation & Data Center Facilities 75
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