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Investor Presentaiton

Appendix 4 - Reporting examples of impact reporting indicators 29 - Eligible sub-category Renovation and renewal of surface public transport rolling stock Renovation and renewal of public rail transport rolling stock (train, metro, tram train, tram) Renovation and renewal of infrastructure enabling low-carbon public transport Improving the quality of service for mobility Eligible assets/projects Acquisition for renewal of clean buses Acquisition & renovation of equipment (train, metro, tram-train, tramway) Bus Operations Center under construction or existing under renovation SNCF Maintenance Center Improvement of passenger information Improvement of the ticketing system Improved accessibility (e.g., for people with reduced mobility) Acquisition of electrically assisted bicycles and subsidies to individuals for the purchase of electrically assisted bicycles Véligo Impact indicators GHG emissions per passenger km travelled (gCO2eq/ Total GHG emissions reductions (tCO2 eq) Reduction of air pollutants: particulate matter Number of electric/hydrogen vehicles deployed Number of jobs created or supported by the project CO2 emissions per passenger km travelled (gCO2 / Total GHG emissions avoided by the project (tCO2eq) Estimated energy savings (kWh) Reduction of air pollutants: particulate matter % reduction in noise or nb of materiel certified by the "STI Règlement européen 1304- 14" % recyclability of material purchased Number of trains purchased Annual GHG emissions reduced / avoided (tCO2eq) vs. baseline certification level In relation with the HQE Infrastructure certification : Obtaining the E+ C- Label Annual energy savings (MWh) kCO2/m² of certified building area Number of beneficiaries Number of buses and train stations accessible Number of beneficiaries of the Véligo program Number of bicycles deployed Number of subcribers to bicycle deposit Investor presentation 2022 Ile-de-France Mobilités - Appendix îledeFrance mobilités
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