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Investor Presentaiton

Key incentives exist across the agriculture, industry and services sectors FirstBank Investment Opportunities in Nigeria Justification for Investment Agriculture Industry 品 Services Availability of arable land across the country including 3.14 million hectares of irrigatable land; Favorable weather conditions that support all-year-round agricultural activities; Supportive government policy that is geared towards encouraging mechanized farming and agribusiness; and Huge demand gap between the supply of agricultural produce and the industrial activities. Large internal market with access to the regional and continental markets; ■ Trainable workforce with competitive wage demand; ◉ Considerable size of disposable income by the population; Predictable macro-economic policy framework; Supportive government policy that is geared towards industrialization. Large and competitive market with huge and unmet demand. A growing and increasingly sophisticated middle class with tech-savvy young adults. Large and flexible workforce. An entrepreneurial population with innovative, creative and highly resilient mindset
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