Alpek Company Overview slide image

Alpek Company Overview

PROJECT EVERGREEN | MAIN TARGETS & ACTION PLAN A. CIRCULARITY WHY IT MATTERS Our planet's resources are finite. Improperly disposed goods end up in oceans and landfills. It is our responsibility to make sure our products are fully integrated into the circular economy. B. CARBON EMISSIONS + ECO-EFFICIENCY WHY IT MATTERS Increased energy consumption and reliance on fossil-based fuels have resulted in a global warming effect. We share in the responsibility to help limit temperature increases by 2030. C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY WHY IT MATTERS Our people are our most important asset. Ensuring their safety and well-being will always be our first priority. OUR TARGET PET: "Alpek plans to increase its PET bottle recycling capacity to 300 thousand annual metric tons by 2025 to meet its customers' recycled content needs." PP: "Alpek will leverage its partnerships to develop chemical recycling solutions for Polypropylene and increase its share of Copolymers, employed in long-term usage applications." EPS: "Alpek will focus on long-term usage applications for EPS, develop biodegradable alternatives for the F&B market, and work on making chemical recycling viable." • . WHAT WE'RE DOING Continue growing post-industrial (EPS/PP) and post-consumer (PET) waste recycling capacities Evaluate technology for chemical recycling & biodegradability (All) • • • OUR TARGET "Alpek is committed to The Paris Agreement. We are targeting an SBT-certified Scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction of 27.5% by 2030 (2019 base), reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, and will begin measuring our Scope 3 emissions." WHAT WE'RE DOING Migrate energy contracts to renewables Find more CO2 reduction projects at BUs Evaluate CO2 offsetting technologies Include CO2 shadow pricing in valuation Request Suppliers' Scope 3 emissions • OUR TARGET "Alpek plans to reach a Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) for its employees and contractors in the top decile of its industry, though its goal remains to achieve zero accidents every single day." WHAT WE'RE DOING Increase reporting of incidents & near-misses at C-Suite level Seek safety improvement projects via internal teams, expert audits or new technologies
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