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Investor Presentaiton

FIG 2018 ISTANBUL . • XXVI FIG Congress 2018 6-11 May 2018 ISTANBUL EMBRACING OUR SMART WORLD WHERE THE CONTINENTS CONNECT: ENHANCING THE GEOSPATIAL MATURITY OF SOCIETIES THE STUDY AREA The state with its underlying crystalline basement rocks is rich in oil in its coastal regions and other identified mineral resources such as limestone, quartz, natural gas, clay, salt, tin, granite, basalt, etc. some of which are yet to be exploited. Cross River State has a total population of 3.0million based on an average growth rate of 3.0% (Ottong, et al, 2010). 40% of the estimated population constitute an active population that is 'engage in various economic activities ranging from subsistence agriculture to urban commerce and transport business. ORGANISED BY MAIN SUPPORTERS FIG T.C. せ PLATINUM SPONSORS CEVRE VE ŞEHİRCİLİK BAKANLIĞI Desri Leica Trimble. Tapu ve Kadastro THE SCIENCE OF WHERE Cal Geosystems
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