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Amur Tiger Conservation Education Program

part in a quiz "Proper behavior in the forest" that contained questions on how to start a campfire, what to do in case of a forest fire and encounters with wild animals, especially a tiger. The most active and well-informed children were awarded achievement certificates. © Phoenix Members of Ussury eco-club give a lesson for junior schoolchildren On May 27, the educator delivered a lesson "Where do forest dwellers hide?" for 12 children of "Ussuri" eco-club in Kirovka town. They got to know how wild animals chose a right place for them to live. Among the questions discussed there were the following: Where does the Amur tiger live? Why do Amur leopards live only in the south of the region? Why can starlings live in birdhouses, while swallows prefer to make houses of clay? Why do some animals live outdoors, while the others live in dens or holes? In June, the educator gave two classes for 53 children 10-12 years old. On June 19, there was a lesson "Forest mosaic", aimed at acquainting children with such animals as Amur tiger, Amur leopard and other local species, and to develop in children skills of collective work. The lesson consisted of two parts: a quiz "Forest experts" and a game "Tigers - leopards". One of the teams was tigers, the other was leopards. They found similarities and differences of those animals, showed how they hunted, imitated their voice and describe where they lived. The winning team got small presents: bookmarks and pocket calendars. children's noo On June 23, the educator led a lesson "Clean air - our health". The idea of it was to detemine the knowledge on the environment, namely on the air and water, to foster a sense of personal responsibility for environmental protection, and to develop the ability to analyze, that is, to find links between human actions and what happened around in nature. The educator chose the theme on purpose, as practically all the children heard about the problem of air and water pollution. To start a discussion she asked a few questions, such as: Why does air gets dirty? Why does fish sometimes die in the rivers? etc. The children named reasons for pollution. The lesson continued with outdoors games "Guess who I am”, “Chasing prey", and steeplechase. At the end of the lesson the educator asked the participants what should be done to breathe clean air, and the children gave their opinions, such as "remove garbage after themselves, not to cut tress and, which is even better, plant new ones, to feed birds” etc. © Phoenix A lesson for kindergarten children 19
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