KMI: 2020 Guidance - Published Budget slide image

KMI: 2020 Guidance - Published Budget

1 2 3 4 Apr-09 Sep-09 Feb-10 Jul-10 5 Dec-10 CO 6 May-11 9 8 Products +3.5 M Mbpd or >160% over last 10 years Crude oil +2.8 MM bpd after lifting of export ban 7 Oct-11 Attractive Growth in Exports of U.S. Petroleum Liquids Competitive & growing U.S. supplies reach a diverse mix of global customers U.S. EXPORTS OF PETROLEUM LIQUIDS Millions of barrels per day DESTINATIONS OF U.S. PETROLEUM LIQUIDS EXPORTS Top 5 of 109 countries reached in January through August 2019 Mar-12 Aug-12 Jan-13 Jun-13 Nov-13 Apr-14 Sep-14 Feb-15 Jul-15 Dec-15 May-16 Oct-16 Mar-17 Aug-17 Jan-18 Petroleum products Crude oil Mexico 14% Canada 12% 87 countries represent <1% each on average % of volumes Japan 7% India Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (latest data available) Note: Petroleum liquids includes finished petroleum products, crude oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids, unfinished oils, blending components, renewable fuels and oxygenates. Jun-18 Nov-18 Apr-19 S. 6% Korea 7% U.S. supplies over 8 million barrels per day of petroleum liquids to the global market 38 KINDER MORGAN Meaningful exports to North American and Asian markets
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