Sustainability Report 2021 Vivara
102-11 | 102-15
We update our risk matrix annual-
ly, mainly focusing on strategic risks,
through a more complete and struc-
tured mapping. In 2021, we received
support from an external consulting
firm, which updated the document con-
sidering the main concerns of Vivara's
top management and the company's
strategic goals. Next, we started to re-
view the action plan in order to define
the controls to mitigate the risks, in a
cyclical process, according to the tar-
gets we have set for the company. The
ESG risks were included among our
strategic risks, as part of the advances
made in 2021.
Our risk management policy intends to
establish guidelines, controls, proce-
dures, and responsibilities related to the
identification, assessment, treatment,
and monitoring of the risks related to
our activities. The process, integrated
to the targets and goals of the busi-
ness, requires the active participation
of all employees, the adoption of best
practices, and the dissemination of the
risk mitigation culture and knowledge
at all levels.
Risk management is the responsibili-
ty of the Board of Directors; the Audit,
Finance and Risks Committee; the In-
ternal Audit, Compliance and Internal
Controls Area; and the Business areas,
which have distinct duties and must
act together in an integrated manner.
The Audit, Finance and Risks Commit-
tee evaluates and monitors Vivara's
exposure to risks that could affect its
sustainability, and also assesses the
effectiveness of the risk management
model, suggesting solutions for en-
hancement of internal processes. 102-
33 | 102-34 | 207-2
Strategic risks: those that can prevent or affect the implemen-
tation of the Company's strategic decisions for its business
Operating risks: those that involve operation, information sys-
tems, processes, internal controls, customers, revenues and
other activities that may result in financial losses, damage
to reputation and image, reduction of the Company's profit,
among other factors.
Financial risks: those that arise from unexpected effects on
the economic or political scenario, and from market trends,
which could have an effect on consumers' behavior, interest
rates, inflation, financial investments, among other factors.
Financial risks also include credit risks caused by the failure
of a financial instrument's customer or counterparty to com-
ply with their contractual obligations, which may arise mainly
from receivables originated by retail customers, from invest-
ments and liquidity risks.
⚫ Compliance risks: those caused by non-compliance with laws,
rules, regulations and internal policies on ethics and conduct, or
due to unresolved or future legal proceedings that may lead to fi-
nancial loss and damage to the Company's reputation and image.
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