HLB FY2022 Financial Highlights
Hong Leong Bank
Closing Remarks
Strong business performance for the financial year, backed by robust loan/financing growth and solid asset quality
■ Robust top-line performance supported by sustained loan/financing growth and effective management of funding
As we focus on various strategic cost management initiatives and digitisation efforts, expenses were tightly
controlled and optimised across the quarters with a commendable CIR.
■ Solid asset quality with a stable GIL ratio.
■ Healthy liquidity and capital positions; allowing us to continuously help customers in need and support future
business growth.
■ Strong profit contribution from BOCD; remained vigilant to the ongoing headwinds in China.
■ We have achieved a commendable set of results for the financial year amid a challenging backdrop of heightened
inflationary pressure and geopolitical uncertainty.
HLB FY2022 ended 30 June 2022
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