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Investor Presentaiton

Table 8-Annual Economic Impact of Meat/Beef Production and Processing Capturing an Additional 5% of Unmet Demand Economic Output Employment Labor Income Direct Effect 232 $5,509,223 $66,971,404 Indirect Effect 178 $6,810,171 $27,226,299 Induced Effect 52 $2,522,247 $8,010,823 Total Impact 462 $14,841,641 $102,208,525 Table 9 -Annual Economic Impact of Meat/Beef Production and Processing Capturing an Additional 15% of Unmet Demand Employment Labor Income Economic Output Direct Effect 696 $16,527,670 $200,914,212 Indirect Effect 535 $20,430,512 $81,678,896 Induced Effect 156 $7,566,740 $24,032,468 Total Impact 1,387 $44,524,922 $306,625,576 Table 10-Annual Economic Impact of Meat/Beef Production and Processing Capturing an Additional 25% of Unmet Demand Employment Labor Income Economic Output Direct Effect 1,160 $27,546,117 $334,857,020 Indirect Effect 892 $34,050,853 $136,131,493 Induced Effect 261 $12,611,234 Total Impact 2,312 $74,208,203 $40,054,114 $511,042,627 If South Carolina were to expand the production of meat/ the economic multiplier effect. Moreover, this $176.1 beef production and processing and to capture 25 percent of the current unmet statewide demand, this would increase the total economic impact of the South Carolina agribusiness cluster by as much as $511 million annually. This would also generate approximately 2,312 additional new jobs for South Carolinians. The approximately $334.9 million in new direct economic output would lead to an additional $176.1 million through million is estimated to generate 1,153 additional jobs in South Carolina to fill the increased demand for local suppliers and for increased household spending, which also supports an additional $46.7 million in labor income. These results imply that for every $1 in new demand generated from additional local meat/beef production and processing, a total of $1.53 would be generated in new economic activity for the state's economy. SCDA 18790 CULTURE PAGE 19
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