ARO Drilling Joint Venture Overview
1 Owned Rigs: Overview of Contributions and Cash Flows
أرامكو السعودية
$25M cash
• ARO 2001 (Gilbert Rowe)
ARO 3001 (Bob Keller)
ARO 3002 (J.P. Bussell)
• ARO 3003 (Scooter Yeargain)
• ARO 3004 (Hank Boswell)
Spare inventory/assets.
Shorebase support
50% of
أرامكو روان للحفر
In 2Q 2017, Valaris and Saudi Aramco contributed $25 million
cash each to form ARO
In 4Q 2017, Valaris transferred three jackups, and Saudi
Aramco transferred two jackups and additional cash
ARO commenced operations on October 17, 2017
In 4Q 2017, Valaris and Saudi Aramco received $88 million
each as a cash distribution
50% of
saudi aramco
$25M cash
ARO 2003 (SAR 201)
ARO 4001 (SAR 202)
Spare inventory/assets
Matching cash
In 4Q 2018, Valaris transferred two jackups and Saudi Aramco
transferred a matching contribution in cash
In 4Q 2018, Valaris and Saudi Aramco received $95 million
each as a cash distribution
On an annual basis, ARO Board of Directors elects to make
interest payments in cash or payment-in-kind (LIBOR +2%)
In 3Q 2022, Valaris and Saudi Aramco each received $40
million as a partial early repayment of shareholder notes
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