50 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE slide image


Profit & Loss Highlights GABRIEL Rs.Mn Revenue ANAND≫ FY15 FY14 FY13 14,441 12,866 12,053 Raw Material 10,432 9,266 8,644 Employee Expenses 1,075 982 911 Other Expenses 1,769 1,714 1,672 EBITDA 1,164 904 826 Margin 8.1% 7.0% 6.9% Other Income 43 56 40 Interest & Finance Charges 55 90 123 Depreciation 311 271 273 PBT before Exceptional Item 841 600 471 Margin 5.8% 4.7% 3.9% Exceptional Item* 6 42 59 PBT 835 558 412 Tax 235 132 30 PAT 600 426 381 PAT Margin 4.2% 3.3% 3.2% Cash PAT 912 697 * Exceptional Item includes provision made on re-assessment of disputed liabilities towards rates & taxes ANSYSCO BEHR CYI CCY Myutec faurecia FEDERAL GABRIEL Haldex Henkel POWER MAHLE Mando SPICER SUJAN SNS Foundation 654 221 21 TAKATA Valeo VICTOR
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