1H22 Financial Performance
Income Statement
Fees and commissions
Commercial banking income
Capital markets results
Other operating results
Banking income
Operating costs
Net operating income
Provisions and impairments
Fees and commissions income less fees and commissions expenses
Net interest income and fees and commissions
Dividend income, gains or losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, gains or
losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, gains or losses on financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, gains
or losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit and loss, gains or losses from hedge accounting and
exchange differences
Gains or losses on derecognition of non-financial assets, other operating income, other operating expenses, share of the profit or loss of
investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates accounted for using the equity method
Net interest income, fees and commissions, capital markets result and other results
Staff costs, general and administrative expenses and depreciation and amortisation
Banking income - operating costs
Provisions or reversal of provisions, impairment or reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss,
impairment or reversal of impairment of investment in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates and impairment or reversal of impairment on
non-financial assets
Balance Sheet/Liquidity
Assets eligible as collateral for rediscount
operations with the ECB
Securities portfolio
Due to customers
Banco de Portugal Instruction n. 16/2004
Net ECB funding
Total Customer Funds
Off-Balance Sheet Funds
Loan to deposit ratio
Banco de Portugal Instruction n. 16/2004
The Eurosystem only grants credit against adequate collateral. This collateral consists of tradable financial securities and other types of assets
such as nontradable assets and cash. The expression "eligible assets" is used for assets that are accepted as collateral by the Eurosystem.
Securities (bonds, shares and other variable-income securities) booked in the trading portfolios at fair value through profit or loss, mandatory at
fair value through profit or loss, at fair value through orther comprehensive income and at amortised cost.
Amounts booked under the following balance sheet accouting headings: [#400 - #34120 + #52020 + #53100].
Difference between the funding obtained from the European Central Bank (ECB) and the placements with the ECB.
Deposits, other customer funds, debt securities placed with clients and off-balance sheet customer funds.
Off-balance sheet funds managed by Group companies, including mutual funds, real estate investment funds, pension funds, bancassurance,
portfolio management and discretionary management.
Ratio of [gross loans - (accumulated provisions / impairment for credit)] to customer deposits.
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