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Investor Presentaiton

29 29 Governance framework Back 3/3 The federal pension funds are governed by their Superannuation Acts Reporting requirements are imposed on the pension plans via the Public Pensions Reporting Act OSFI BSIF PSP is governed by the Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act PSP Investments Government Gouvernement of Canada du Canada Canada Superannuation Acts of: The Public Service The Canadian Forces (including the Reserve Force) The Royal Canadian Mounted Police The Superannuation Acts are the Federal Law that governs the four pension plans of the Federal government employees. The Office of the Chief Actuary of Canada is required to conduct actuarial reviews of pension plans of the Public Service, Canadian Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police, among others. The Office is responsible for conducting an annual actuarial valuation of the pension plans for accounting purposes as well as a funding valuation every three years. The Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act is the Federal Law that governs PSP as exclusive asset manager for the pension plans. PSP manages amounts transferred to it under subsections of the Superannuation Acts in the best interests of the contributors and beneficiaries under those Acts. PSP
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