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Investor Presentaiton

54 Analysis and Research to Enhance Decision-Making and Schemes → Publications based on surveys and econometric research by Unédic (e.g. on the situations of jobseekers experiencing recurring unemployment, working unemployment beneficiaries, impact of digital on jobseekers, specific programs) → National systems comparisons: benchmarks and examples These studies seek to establish a shared appraisal, before decisions are made COMMENT L'ASSURANCE CHOMAGE SOUTIENT LES CREATIONS D'ENTREPRISES Unstic PROFILSET TRAJECTOIRES DES DEMANDEURS DEMPLANTSUM UNE FORMATION LESSOR DE LAPPRENTISSAGE ET SES EFFETS SUR LEMPLO ET LASSURANCE CHOMACE Undic BAROMETE DE LA PERCEPTION DU CHÒMAGE ET DE L'EMPLO Unid How Unemployment insurance supports business creation DOWNLOAD Profiles and job trajectories of job seekers undergoing training DOWNLOAD The rise in apprenticeships and the effects on employment and unemployment insurance DOWNLOAD Unédic Barometer: how do the French look at unemployment and the unemployed DOWNLOAD INVESTOR PRESENTATION JANUARY 2024 APPENDIX Unédic
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