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Event Passport Krasnodar Region

Event Passport Krasnodar Region Museums Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve named after Evgeny Felitsyn Nowadays the State Budgetary Establishment of Culture of the Krasnodar Region is the Krasno- dar State Historical and Archae- ological Museum-Reserve named after Evgeny Felitsyn is the big- gest museum association of the North Caucasian District. It com- prises four branches: the Anapa Archaeological Museum, the Ta- man Museum Complex (Historical, Archaeological and Literary Com- plex of Mikhail Lermontov), the Memorial Museum of the Stepan- ov's Family in Timashevsk and the Memorial Farmstead in Olkhovsky Khutor of the Timashevsky Dis- trict, the Temryuk Historical-Ar- chaeological Museum, the Military Hill Open-Air Museum and the Farmstead in the Starotitarovska- ya stanitsa of the Temryuksky District. The Kuban Literary Mu- seum and the Memorial Museum Apartment of the People's Artist of the USSR Grigory Ponomaren- ko work as branches. The KSHAMR named after Evge- ny Felitsyn is the richest reposito- ry of sites of tangible and spiritual culture. Its collections comprise more than 400,000 exhibit items of the main stock. There are col- lections of items of decorative and applied arts and archaeology, materials on history and ethnog- raphy of Kuban among them. The Museum Reserves possess the largest collection of Polovets fig- ures made of stone, a unique set of jewellery and one of the world's most abundant and diverse col- lections of Greek amphoras. 19th Historical Park "Russia - My History" On November 4, 2018, the 19th Historical Park "Russia - My His- tory" was opened in Krasnodar. There are 4 expositions in the Park that serve as a modern mul- timedia History textbook: “The Rurik Dynasty", "The Romanov Dynasty", "From Great Upheavals to the Great Victory", "Russia My History. 1945-2016". ― The project was supported by the Administration of the Presi- dent of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. - - Creators of the Historical Park historians, artists, cinematog- raphers, designers, computer artists did their best to turn a black-and-white book of the Russian history into a bright, en- tertaining and still objective nar- ration, so that each visitor could feel engagement with the events of more than a thousand-year- long history of our Homeland. An important peculiarity of the exhibition project is the regional content Pages of Kuban History which is inextricably linked with historical stages of development of the Russian state. Novorossiysk Historical Museum Reserve The Novorossiysk Historical Muse- um Reserve was founded in 1916 as a Museum of Nature and History of the Black Sea Coast of Caucasus. Nowadays stocks of the museum amount to more than 260,000 items, including 167,000 storage items of the main stock. A range of museum collections is wide; it decently represents the Black Sea District of the North-Western Caucasus from hoary antiquity to the modern age and contempo- rary times. Currently the Novorossiysk Histor- ical Museum Reserve is one of the largest museums in Kuban, a centre of patriotic, aesthetic and moral up- bringing of the younger generation. 104 Krasnodar Regional Art Museum of Fyodor Kovalenko The history of the Krasnodar Re- gional Art Museum dates back to April 11, 1904, when at the initia- tive of Fyodor Akimovich Kovalen- ko (1866-1919), an admirer of arts, the Yekaterinodar City Art Gallery with a Literary and Archaeological Department was opened based on his collection granted to the city. F.A. Kovalenko's collection com- prised primarily works of Russian artists of the last quarter of the 19th early 20th century. It was constantly refilled owing to new acquisitions from travelling exhibi- tions, in metropolitan salons, due to authors' presents and gifts of the Museum of the Imperial Acad- emy of Arts. Currently, the museum collec- tion comprises over 12,000 ex- hibit items. It features paintings, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied arts. The museum keeps works of Russian art of 18th-20th centuries, icons of 16th-19th cen- turies, works by Western Europe- an artists of 16th-20th centuries, a collection of Japanese colour wood engraving of the 19th cen- tury; the art of Russian avant-gar- de, works of the Russian artists of the 20th century and artworks of the Krasnodar Region. МУЗЕЙ Sochi History Museum The Sochi History Museum was established on July 9, 1920. The museum was created based on the collection of the Sochi branch of the Caucasus Mountain Club (1902-1917). A whole raw of scientific and ed- ucational programs and cultur- al projects for establishments of secondary, professional and higher education, as well as for art schools and guide courses was developed in the Sochi History Museum. At the moment museum stocks amount to over 100,000 items of museum importance. The most precious exhibit items are the ar- chaeological collection of antique golden jewels from the entomb- ment near Sochi; a numismatic collection; a collection of Cauca- sian bladed and fire weapons, as- tronaut support items and so on. The exposition of the Sochi His- tory Museum and its branches is equipped with advanced techni- cal devices, including digital photo frames, informational touch-sensi- tive kiosks and TV screens. 105
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