Investor Presentaiton
2014: Risk Management Imperatives
CAL has identified key challenges in the business operating environment for the remainder of 2014
CAL Bank
Bank on
Our Service
Preserving our
Balance sheet in
challenging times
• Imperative to manage emerging and existing risk issues in 2014 and beyond to preserve healthy Balance Sheet
Continue strict adherence to Board-mandated Credit, Liquidity & Operational risk-appetite.
Risk Managers and Business Units have enhanced monitoring and reporting on identified risks for emerging challenges to be
addressed on-time
Foreign Exchange
Effectively manage FOREX assets and liabilities to reduce exchange risk.
Interest Rate &
Increase Advisory/Non-funded income to mitigate risk of reduced net Interest income from loans as interest rates rise
Rebalance Earning Asset mix to manage credit risk and interest rate risk.
Closely monitor exposure to at-risk sectors (government, construction, mortgage, real estate, down-stream oil & gas) due to
emerging economic challenges.
Minimize exposure to foreign currency denominated expenses
Rigorous Cost control to ensure value for money in procurement and capital expenditure
Half-Year 2014 Investor Presentation - August, 2014
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