Nigeria FinTech Landscape - Impact Assessment slide image

Nigeria FinTech Landscape - Impact Assessment

Chijioke - Affluent Senior 62 years, Married, 4 children ☐ Retired CFO of leading accounting firm Illustrative ◉ Lives in Ikoyi with wife and gets occasional visits from grandchildren Has medium level knowledge of technology ■Financial services product usage driven primarily by convenience Income >N 20M p.a. Medium Tech knowledge Devices + Lifestyle overview ☐ Wife runs a tailoring shop where she caters to high-end clientele in Lagos and Abuja Serves on the board of multiple organizations in Nigeria Travels bi-annually to visit children abroad Financial goals Financial security for his children Send his children to good universities in the country Manage and diversify investments locally and abroad Current banking ■ Has multiple bank accounts in Nigeria and abroad. In Nigeria, he has a First Bank account which he uses to pay for his children's expenses in the UK Uses cards for most of his financial transactions and online banking for managing foreign accounts Needs Private banking services that allow him to invest and manage investments abroad including mortgage and property management Access to premium credit cards and bespoke services for foreign transactions and travels SOURCE: Customer interviews (n=215), team analysis McKinsey & Company 130
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