Investor Presentaiton
Non-IFRS financial measures and other measures
Non-IFRS Financial Measures
Management uses these financial measures in its presentation and analysis of the financial performance of Power Corporation and believes that they provide additional meaningful information to listeners/readers in their analysis of the results of the
Adjusted net earnings from continuing operations attributable to participating shareholders ("Adjusted net earnings") is calculated as (1) net earnings from continuing operations attributable to participating shareholders excluding (2) adjustments, which
include the after-tax impact of any item that in management's judgment, including those identified by management of its publicly traded operating companies, would make the period-over-period comparison of results from operations less meaningful.
In the first quarter of 2023, management of Great-West refined its definition of Adjustments. See the section "Change in the definition of Adjusted net earnings, a non-IFRS financial measure" in the section "Overview" of the Corporation's most recent
interim MD&A. Adjusted net earnings attributable to participating shareholders includes the Corporation's share of Great-West's impact of market-related impacts where actual market returns in the current period are different than longer-term expected
returns on assets and liabilities, assumption changes and management actions that impact the measurement of assets and liabilities, realized gains (losses) on the sale of assets measured at FVOCI, direct equity and interest rate impacts on the
measurement of surplus assets and liabilities and amortization of acquisition-related finite life intangible assets, as well as items that management believes are not indicative of the underlying business results which include those identified by a subsidiary
or a jointly controlled corporation. Items that management and management of its subsidiaries believe are not indicative of the underlying business results include restructuring or reorganization and integration costs, acquisition and divestiture costs,
material legal settlements, material impairment charges, impact of substantially enacted income tax rate changes and other tax impairments, certain non-recurring material items, net gains, losses or costs related to the disposition or acquisition of a
business, and other items that, when removed, assist in explaining underlying operating performance. Adjusted net earnings from continuing operations per share ("Adjusted net earnings per share") is calculated as adjusted net earnings from continuing
operations divided by the weighted average number of participating shares outstanding.
In the third quarter of 2023, the Corporation restated amounts previously presented as Adjustments to reclassify divestiture costs related to the sale of Putnam to net earnings (loss) from discontinued operations. Adjusted net earnings from continuing
operations (or adjusted net earnings) represents net earnings from continuing operations excluding Adjustments.
Adjusted net asset value ("NAV" or "Net asset value") is commonly used by holding companies to assess their value. Adjusted net asset value represents the fair value of the participating shareholders' equity of Power Corporation. Adjusted net asset value is
calculated as the fair value of the assets of the combined Power Corporation and Power Financial holding company less their net debt and preferred shares. The investments held in public entities (including Great-West, IGM and GBL) are measured at their
market value and investments in private entities and investment funds are measured at management's estimate of fair value. This measure presents the fair value of the participating shareholders' equity of the holding company, and assists the
listener/reader in determining or comparing the fair value of investments held by the holding company or its overall fair value. Adjusted net asset value per share is calculated as adjusted net asset value divided by the number of participating shares
outstanding. The discount to adjusted net asset value ("discount to NAV" or "NAV discount") is defined as the percentage difference (expressed in relation to the adjusted net asset value) between the market capitalization of the Corporation and the
adjusted net asset value.
Fee-related earnings is presented for Sagard and Power Sustainable and includes revenues from management fees earned across all asset classes, less i) fee-related compensation including salary, bonus, and benefits, and ii) operating expenses. Fee-
related earnings is presented on a gross pre-tax basis, including non-controlling interests. Fee-related earnings excludes i) share-based compensation expenses, ii) amortization of acquisition-related finite life intangible assets, iii) foreign exchange-related
gains and losses, iv) net interest, and v) other items that in management's judgment are not indicative of underlying operating performance of the alternative asset investment platforms, which include restructuring costs, transaction and integration costs
related to business acquisitions and certain non-recurring material items.
Adjusted net earnings attributable to participating shareholders, fee-related earnings, adjusted net asset value, gross asset value, adjusted net earnings per share, discount to adjusted net asset value, and adjusted net asset value per share are non-IFRS
financial measures and ratios that do not have a standard meaning and may not be comparable to similar measures used by other entities. Refer to the section entitled "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" in Part A of the most recent interim MD&A located
under the Corporation's profile on SEDAR+ at for further explanations of their uses and specifically the sub-sections entitled "Adjusted Net Earnings", "Adjusted Net Asset Value", "Consolidated Assets and Assets Under Management and
Consolidated Assets and Assets Under Administration" and "Fee-related earnings" included in section entitled "Reconciliations of IFRS and Non-IFRS Financial Measures" for the appropriate reconciliations of these non-IFRS financial measures to measures
prescribed by IFRS, including those used in calculating non-IFRS ratios, which further explanations and reconciliations are incorporated herein by reference.
Presentation of the Holding Company
The Corporation's reportable segments include Great-West, IGM Financial and GBL, which represent the Corporation's investments in publicly traded operating companies, as well as the holding company. These reportable segments, in addition to the
asset management activities, reflect Power Corporation's management structure and internal financial reporting. The Corporation evaluates its performance based on the operating segment's contribution to earnings.
The holding company comprises the corporate activities of the Corporation and Power Financial, on a combined basis, and presents the investment activities of the Corporation. The investment activities of the holding company, including the investments
in Great-West, IGM and controlled entities within the alternative asset investment platforms, are presented using the equity method. The holding company activities present the holding company's assets and liabilities, including cash, investments,
debentures and non-participating shares. The discussions included in the sections "Financial Position" and "Cash Flows" in Part A of the most recent interim MD&A present the segmented balance sheets and cash flow statements of the holding company;
which are presented in Note 23 of the Corporation's Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Clarifications on Adjusted Net Asset Value
(i) The Corporation's share of GBL's reported net asset value was $3.6 billion (€2.5 billion) at September 30, 2023 ($3.9 billion (€2.7 billion) at June 30, 2023); (ii) The management company of Sagard is presented at its fair value at September 30, 2023
(carrying value at June 30, 2023). The management company of Power Sustainable is presented at its carrying value and is primarily composed of cash and net carried interest receivable; (iii) Sagard includes the Corporation's investments in Portage
Ventures I, Portage Ventures II and Wealthsimple, held by Power Financial; (iv) Includes $54 million of cash held within the Sagard investing activities at September 30, 2023 ($23 million at June 30, 2023); (v) An additional deferred tax liability of $11 million
has been included in the adjusted net asset value at September 30, 2023 ($8 million at June 30, 2023) with respect to the investments in standalone businesses at fair value, without taking into account possible tax planning strategies. The Corporation has
tax attributes (not otherwise recognized on the balance sheet) that could be available to minimize the tax if the Corporation were to dispose of its interests held in the standalone businesses; and (vi) In accordance with IAS 12, Income Taxes, no deferred
tax liability is recognized with respect to temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and jointly controlled corporations as the Corporation is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences and it is probable
that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. If the Corporation were to dispose of an investment in a subsidiary or a jointly controlled corporation, income taxes payable on such disposition would be minimized through careful
and prudent tax planning and structuring, as well as with the use of available tax attributes not otherwise recognized on the balance sheet, including tax losses, tax basis, safe income and foreign tax surplus associated with the subsidiary or jointly
controlled corporation.
Other Measures
This presentation also includes other measures used to discuss activities of the Corporation's consolidated publicly traded operating companies and alternative asset investment platforms including, but not limited to, "assets under management", "assets
under administration", "assets under management and advisement", "book value per participating share", "carried interest", "fee-bearing capital", "market capitalization", "net asset value", "net carried interest" and "unfunded commitments". As well, the
presentation of the holding company is used to present and analyze the financial position and cash flows of Power Corporation as a holding company. Refer to the section "Other Measures" in Part A of the most recent interim MD&A, which can be located
in the Corporation's profile on SEDAR+ at, for definitions of such measures, which definitions are incorporated herein by reference.
Assets under management of investment platforms include: (i) Net asset value of the investment funds and co-investment vehicles managed, including unfunded commitments and permanent leverage; (ii) Gross asset value of investment funds managed
within the real estate platform and other investment management agreements; and (iii) Fair value of assets managed on behalf of the Corporation and clients by asset managers controlled within the investment platforms, including assets managed
through a separately managed account.
Fee-bearing capital includes: (i) Total capital commitments of venture capital & growth, private equity, and royalties funds during the investment period; (ii) Net invested capital of private credit funds, funds which have completed their investment period,
separately managed accounts within the credit platforms and certain co-investment vehicles; (iii) Net asset value of Power Sustainable China, Power Sustainable Energy Infrastructure including direct investments in energy assets, and funds within the real
estate platform; (iv) Invested capital or gross asset value of assets managed through separately managed accounts within the real estate platform; and (v) Fair value of assets managed on behalf of clients by the wealth management platform.
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