Investor Presentaiton
Chemical composition of Nigerian soils.
➤ Most proportion of soils in tropical Africa are described as low-activity-clay (LAC) soils with
cation exchange capacity (CEC) usually less than 20cmol kg-1 and having very low plant
nutrient reserves in the form of un-weathered primary minerals.
➤ Nigerian soils are generally light textured and low in clay content with a range of 9 to 43%;
➤ in more than 60% of the area, clay content is less than 15%.
➤ Soil reaction (pH) ranges from 4.2 to 8.5;
Combined calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) content varies from 0.5 to 5.55 cmol Kg1;
Organic matter content also varies from 1.0 to 2.55%
GLOBAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOILS and WATER | 02-05 October, 2023 itps
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