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Investor Presentaiton

22 42 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTINUED STANDARD BANK NAMIBIA LIMITED Annual financial statements 2020 43 6. Loans and advances continued 6.3 Reconciliation of ECL for loans and advances measured at amortised cost continued A reconciliation of the ECL for loans and advances, by product: Opening ECL 1 January 2020 N$'000 Transfer Stage 1 (to)/ from Transfer Stage 2 (to)/ from Transfer Stage 3 (to)/ from Total transfers between stages N$'000 Net ECL raised/ (released) written off N$'000 N$'000 Impaired accounts Exchange and other 31 December movements N$'000 2020 N$'000 Closing ECL Transfer Stage 1 (to)/ Transfer Stage 2 (to)/ from from 6. Loans and advances continued 6.3 Reconciliation of ECL for loans and advances measured at amortised cost continued Opening ECL 1 January 2019 N$'000 Exchange Total from Transfer transfers between Stage 3 (to)/ stages N$'000 Net ECL raised/ (released) N$'000 Impaired accounts written off N$'000 Closing ECL and other 31 December movements N$'000 2019 N$'000 Mortgage loans¹ 179 665 Mortgage loans¹ (12 266) 4 045 8 221 148 550 (8 012) (43 018) 277 185 277 185 (10 535) 7 477 3 058 95 479 (15 821) 40 966 397 809 Stage 1 16 929 4 848 Stage 1 18 382 5 951 4 584 10 535 (3 305) Stage 2 38 461 (5 951) (1 526) (7 477) 23 905 (2508) (3 267) 23 104 51 622 Stage 2 51 712 (4848) 7 418 803 12 266 (4045) (10 813) (9 207) 18 382 1 38 461 Stage 3 Stage 3 (including IIS) 111 024 (7 418) (803) (8 221) 168 570 (8 012) (43 019) 220 342 (including IIS) 220 342 (4 584) 1 526 (3 058) 74 879 (15 821) 46 741 323 083 Vehicle and asset finance 95 765 (11 157) 6 368 4 789 38 859 (34 042) 100 582 Vehicle and asset finance 100 582 (15 763) 3 876 11 887 38 824 (22 559) (1) 116 846 Stage 1 10 838 5 429 5 728 Stage 1 9 424 2 922 Stage 2 38 703 (2 922) 12 841 (954) 15 763 (3 876) (15 640) (1) 9 546 15 482 50 309 Stage 2 Stage 3 (including IIS) 37 355 (5 429) (939) 11 157 (6 368) (12 571) 9 424 7 716 38 703 47 572 (5 728) 939 (4 789) 43 714 (34 042) 52 455 Stage 3 (including IIS) 52 455 (12 841) 954 (11 887) 38 982 (22 559) 56 991 Card debtors 12 971 (2612) 1 363 1 249 3 987 (6 116) 10 842 10 842 Card debtors (583) 530 53 16 220 (8 463) 18 599 Stage 1 1 735 1 522 1 090 2 612 (2 890) 1 457 Stage 2 7 433 (1522) 159 (1 363) 273 6 343 Stage 1 1 457 401 182 Stage 2 6 343 (401) (129) 583 (530) (398) 1 642 Stage 3 (1 870) 3 943 (including IIS) 3 803 (1 090) (159) (1249) 6 604 (6 116) 3 042 Stage 3 (including IIS) 3 042 (182) 129 (53) 18 488 (8 463) Corporate 20 795 174 (18) (156) 13 014 (1 839) 3 199 22 155 Stage 1 16 506 (174) (174) 2 667 3 199 22 198 22 155 602 (602) 9 358 270 31 783 Corporate Stage 2 3 120 174 (156) 18 (3 315) Stage 1 22 198 (602) (602) (3 773) (3 560) 14 263 Stage 3 Stage 2 (177) 602 602 10 765 3 830 15 020 (including IIS) 1 169 156 156 (1 191) (177) 134 Stage 3 Sovereign 2 564 (2 564) (including IIS) 134 2 366 2 500 Stage 1 2 050 (2 050) 19 19 Sovereign Stage 2 514 (514) Stage 1 Stage 2 3 16 3 Stage 3 16 (including IIS) Stage 3 Bank (967) (including IIS) Stage 1 (967) (696) (1 512) 6 040 3 832 Bank Stage 1 (695) (2042) 6 493 3 756 Stage 2 Stage 3 271 272 (1) (696) (695) Stage 2 (1) 530 (453) 76 (including IIS) Stage 3 Other loans (including IIS) and advances² 155 942 (15 413) 12 240 3 173 Other loans Stage 1 188 531 and advances² (3 209) 4 152 (943) 126 003 (69 056) (12 686) 232 792 Stage 2 41 247 57 572 12 149 Stage 1 37 642 1 907 1 302 3 209 322 70 41 243 Stage 3 Stage 2 58 504 (1 907) (2 245) (4 152) (8 488) 45 864 (including IIS) 57 123 (12 149) (3264) 3 264 (91) 15 413 (12 240) 86 600 (19 018) 13 172 (77 605) 23 594 188 531 37 642 58 504 91 (3 173) 92 446 Stage 3 (including IIS) 92 385 (1 302) 2 245 943 134 169 Total³ 598 599 (29 488) 15 433 14 055 284 391 (69 056) (115 899) (12 756) 145 685 Total³ 466 735 (41 274) 23 998 17 276 273 864 (77 605) (125 775) 23 594 92 385 (16 225) 598 599 34 589 801 680 1 Comprises residential and commercial property loans. 2 Comprises personal unsecured lending and business and other lending. 3 "Corporate", "Sovereign" and "Bank" categories relate to ECL on CIB loans and advances, while the remaining categories relate to ECL on PBB loans and advances. 1 Comprises residential and commercial property loans.. 2 Comprises personal unsecured lending and business and 3 "Corporate", "Sovereign" and "Bank" categories relate to other lending. ECL on CIB loans and advances, while the remaining categories relate to ECL on PBB loa
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