Investor Presentaiton
New Accounts
Sum of all accounts opened in a reporting period.
Market share - CIF
Market share - Spends
Spends per card
Average loans per cards
Yield %
Cost to Income %
Shareholders' equity
Sum of all credit cards issued by us, including suspended credit cards that may be reactivated in future, net of cancelled and deactivated
credit cards.
Total card spends constitutes the aggregate notional amounts transacted by our cardholders in a reporting period.
Total credit card receivables outstanding from our cardholders at end of the reporting period.
Market share of total cards outstanding is calculated by dividing our total cards outstanding by the industry-wide total cards outstanding,
as obtained from data published by the RBI.
Market share of total card spends is calculated by dividing our total card spends by the industry-wide total card spends, as published by
the RBI, for the reporting period.
Two-point average of the opening and closing dates of the period.
Average card spends per cards outstanding is calculated by dividing our total card spends by the average total cards outstanding for the
period (annualized)
Average loans per cards outstanding is calculated as total loans at the end of the reporting period divided by total cards at the end of the
reporting period.
Calculated as interest income divided by average receivables for the period (annualized)
Calculated as total finance costs for the period divided by average borrowings for the period (annualized)
We calculate our cost to income ratio as operating and other expenses divided by total income after subtracting Finance cost.
Calculated as net profit divided by average total assets for the period (annualized)
Calculated as net profit divided by the average shareholders' equity for the period (annualized)
Shareholders' equity is defined as sum of share capital, reserves and surplus excluding reserves created out of amalgamation
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