UBS ESG Presentation Deck
People - our targets and progress in 2021
Our priorities
Our targets
30% global female representation at Director level and
above by 2025.
26% US ethnic minority representation at Director level and above by 2025.
26% UK ethnic minority representation at Director level and above by 2025.
Raise USD 1 billion in donations to our client philanthropy foundations and funds and reach 25 million
beneficiaries by 2025 (cumulative for years 2021-2025).
Support one million beneficiaries through our community impact activities by 2025 (cumulative for
years 2020-2024).
Our progress in 2021
Increased to 26.7% (2020: 26.0%) female
representation at Director level and above.
Increased to 20.1% (2020: 19.5%) ethnic minority
representation at Director level and above in the US.
Increased to 21.3% (2020: 20.7%) ethnic minority
representation at Director level and above in the UK.
Achieved UBS Optimus Foundation donations volume
of USD 161 million (including UBS matching
contributions) and reached 4.6 million beneficiaries.
Reached 1.199 million beneficiaries through strategic
community impact activities cumulatively during 2020
and 2021, surpassing our 2025 target in two years.
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