Fastly Investor Day Presentation Deck slide image

Fastly Investor Day Presentation Deck

GAAP to Non-GAAP Reconciliations (in $ thousands, except percentages) Revenue Cost of revenue GAAP gross profit Stock-based compensation Amortization of acquired intangible assets Non-GAAP cost of revenue Non-GAAP gross profit GAAP gross margin Non-GAAP gross margin Research and development GAAP research and development Stock-based compensation Non-GAAP research and development expenses Non-GAAP R&D expenses as a percentage of revenue Sales and marketing GAAP sales and marketing Stock-based compensation Amortization of acquired intangible assets Non-GAAP sales and marketing expenses Non-GAAP S&M expenses as a percentage of revenue General and administrative GAAP general and administrative Stock-based compensation Executive transition costs Acquisition-related expenses Non-GAAP general and administrative expenses Non-GAAP G&A expenses as a percentage of revenue Non-GAAP operating expenses Non-GAAP operating expenses as a percentage of revenue Operating loss GAAP operating loss Stock-based compensation Executive transition costs Amortization of acquired intangible assets Acquisition-related expenses Non-GAAP operating loss Non-GAAP operating margin Ⓒ2023 Fastly, Inc. | Confidential Q2'22 102,518 56,466 46,052 3,188 2,475 50,803 51,715 44.9 % 50.4 % 38,717 (13,889) 24,828 24.2% 46,760 (10,184) (2,710) 33,866 33.0% 29,543 (7,717) (1,912) 19,914 19.4% 78,608 76.7% (68,968) 34,978 5,185 1,912 (26,893) -26.2% Q3'22 108,504 55,825 52,679 2,978 2,475 50,372 58,132 48.6% 53.6% 38,957 (14,488) 24,469 22.6% 47,006 (10,920) (2,897) 33,189 30.6% 32,481 (7,959) (4,207) 20,315 18.7% 77,973 71.9% (65,765) 36,345 4,207 5,372 (19,841) -18.3% $ Q4'22 119,321 56,738 62,583 2,938 2,475 51,325 67,996 52.4 % 57.0 % 37,197 (11,469) 25,728 21.6% 44,623 (7,885) (2,575) 34,163 28.6% 29,225 (9,126) 20,099 16.8% 79,990 67.0% (48,462) 31,418 5,050 (11,994) -10.1% Q1'23 117,564 57,310 60,254 2,681 2,475 52,154 65,410 51.3 % 55.6 % 37,431 (11,481) 25,950 22.1% 44,271 (6,705) (2,575) 34,991 29.8% 25,827 (7,284) 18,543 15.8% 79,484 67.6% (47,275) 28,151 5,050 (14,074) -12.0% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY'21 354,330 167,002 187,328 7,227 9,900 149,875 204,455 52.9 % 57.7 % 126,859 (47,019) 79,840 22.5% 152,645 (31,159) (10,944) 110,542 31.2% 126,845 (55,083) (2,555) 69,207 19.5% 259,589 73.3% (219,021) 140,488 20,844 2,555 (55,134) -15.6% $ Ś $ $ $ $ $ $ FY'22 432,725 222,944 209,781 12,050 9,900 200,994 231,731 48.5 % 53.6% 155,308 (58,435) 96,873 22.4% 179,869 (39,083) (10,891) 129,895 30.0% 120,803 (33,195) (4,207) (1,970) 81,431 18.8% 308,199 71.2% (246,199) 142,763 4,207 20,791 1,970 (76,468) -17.7% fastly Investor Day | 2023
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