Investor Presentaiton
Investment highlights
1 Growth opportunity in Brazil's waste management industry(1)
Strong underlying volume growth: Municipal Solid Waste ("MSW") volume growing 4% per
year, >2x US growth
Unmet demand: 37 million tons (47%) MSW in Brazil not properly disposed of
Positive shift in regulatory framework: 2010 Solid Waste National Policy adopted
Fragmented industry: no players >8% share, top five = 28%, most with leveraged balance
sheets and limited ability to invest for growth
Favorable macro outlook: Brazil emerging from recession in 2017 and benefiting from lower
inflation, ongoing rate easing, strengthening currency, and predicted return to GDP growth
Strategic Latin America waste platform capable of significant growth
Largest waste management company in Latin America; operates in 7 Brazilian states that
together account for 50% of Brazil's population and 60% of Brazil's GDP
Strategically located landfills to capture growth on long runway of underserved demand
Defensible business has grown sales organically high single digits in difficult macroeconomic
Strong balance sheet post transaction (~2x net leverage (2), >$140 million cash) well
positioned to ramp tuck-in strategy
3 (2)
Source of industry data: ABRELPE - Panorama of Solid Waste in Brazil (2015); IBGE; Company's internal analyses.
Net leverage calculated as Net Debt / Adjusted EBITDA. Net Debt, Adjusted EBITDA and Net Debt / Adjusted EBITDA are non-IFRS financial measures. Net Debt is calculated as Gross Debt Cash and
Cash Equivalents. For a reconciliation of Estre's indebtedness as reflected in its balance sheet, and a reconciliation of Estre's Adjusted EBITDA to net income (loss), see the Appendix hereto.
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