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Investor Presentaiton

☑ CULPEO MINERALS 6 A HIGH IMPACT COPPER PORTFOLIO WITH MULTIPLE DRILL READY TARGETS LOCATED IN THE PREMIER REGION GLOBALLY COPPER PRODUCING SYSTEMATIC EXPLORATION TO UNLOCK LATENT RESOURCE POTENTIAL TWO HIGH PRIORITY PROJECT AREAS ON THE STRATEGIC CHILEAN COASTAL BELT PERU BOLIVIA CHILE INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS CHILEAN COPPER DEVELOPMENT FOR A CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE THE RIGHT TEAM TO DELIVER RAPID ASSET ADVANCEMENT Antofagasta 1. Fortuna Project Seven key outcropping copper targets with high impact discovery potential. 2. Lana Corina Project High-grade outcropping copper discovery, 257m @ 1.10% CuEq¹. Copiapo La Serena 1. Fortuna 2. Lana Corina Cu Au Mo Santiago ARGENTINA Cu Mo 1. Refer ASX announcement 11 May 2022 and refer Appendix 1 for additional details including CuEq calculation methodology. Culpeo confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in those releases. All material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning those releases continues to apply and has not materially changed. CULPEO MINERALS ASX:CPO | OTCQB:CPORF INVESTOR PRESENTATION 3
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