Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

The management and monitoring of the theme also follow our HSE policy, guidelines, manuals and procedures. With a view to continuous improvement, in 2020 we also created corporate norms, standardizing the operations of emissions, effluents, water resources, and waste. In order to promote engagement and facilitate communication, we started to periodically publish the Environmental Executive Bulletin and the Environmental Performance Report. Besides these, other critical analysis tools have been maintained, such as the Environmental Licensing Panel and the Dashboard for operational management of Environment KPIs in all units. In the analysis of new enterprises, the risks of potential damage to the environment, the workers' health, and the surrounding communities are analyzed by means of a risk matrix, which considers the potential severity and frequency of occurrence. Thus, we seek to minimize all extreme events, ensuring, from the conception of the projects, the lowest possible socio- environmental impact GRI 102-11 | EU11 01 CONTROL AND MONITORING OF AIR EMISSIONS 02 CONTROL AND MONITORING OF LIQUID EFFLUENTS 03 CONTROL AND MONITORING OF THE USE OF WATER RESOURCES WE MAINTAIN CONTROLS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ADOPT STRICT STANDARDS OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY IN ALL UNITS, AND THE RESULTS OF THIS MONITORING ARE PRESENTED TO THE APPROPRIATE ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCIES. THE MAIN PROGRAMS ARE: 04 MONITORING OF THE QUALITY OF SURFACE AND UNDERGROUND WATER 05 CONTROL AND MONITORING OF SOLID WASTE PROGRAMS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND MONITORING 08 MONITORING OF LAND AND WATER FAUNA 06 MONITORING OF METEOROLOGY AND AIR QUALITY 09 MONITORING OF NOISE 07 MONITORING OF SOIL QUALITY 10 CONTROL AND MONITORING FOR THE RECOVERY OF DEGRADED AREAS ABOUT LETTER FROM THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ABOUT ENEVA FIGHTING COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED HUMAN NATURAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL APPENDICES CAPITAL CAPITAL GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 104
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