CGNI Financial and ESG Update
4 Regulatory/policy topics 2023: FF55 Package is being finalized in EU
EU gas market:
Unbundling rules
and governance
Vertical unbundling (for vertically integrated DSOs only): in the proposed form may lead to ownership unbundling for
Horizontal unbundling: at least in terms of legal form
EU DSO association: Inclusion of gas DSOs into the association established already for electricity DSOs
GHG emissions
reduction: ETS 2
ETS 2: Carbon,,tax" in road transport and individual heating (2027)
Green hydrogen
Methane emissions
ZEB definition in
Definition of green hydrogen (Delegated act to RED II), expected entry into force in July 2023
Requirements for production of green H2 only from RES sources
Unfavorable and uncompetitive conditions for CZ producers
LDAR: Increased frequency of leakage surveys regardless of the technical condition of the networks(for vertically
Repair requirements: leaks to be repaired regardless of their size
Passing on costs to end users: increase in the regulated component of the gas price
Standard for new private buildings as of 2030, for public ones already since 2027
100% RES energy produced on-site, nearby or supplied by energy community;
Residual energy supplied also by RES energy from grids or as waste heat from DHC
Need to transform all buildings by 2050 to ZEB standard
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