Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

20,00 19,00 18,00 17,00 16,00 15,00 14,00 13,00 12,00 11,00 10,00 9,00 8,00 7,00 6,00 5,00 4,00 2.1.2020 2.2.2020 2.3.2020 2.4.2020 Market Information SKEL 2.5.2020 2.6.2020 2.7.2020 2.8.2020 2.9.2020 2.10.2020 2.11.2020 2.12.2020 2.1.2021 2.2.2021 2.3.2021 2.4.2021 2.5.2021 2.6.2021 2.7.2021 2.8.2021 2.9.2021 2.10.2021 2.11.2021 2.12.2021 2.1.2022 2.2.2022 Shareholder Strengur hf. Frjálsi lífeyrissjóðurinn Arion banki hf. TCA ECDF III Holding S.á.r.l. Birta lífeyrissjóður Íslandsbanki hf. Stefnir - Innlend hlutabréf hs. Kvika banki hf. Stefnir ÍS 5 hs. Eftirlaunasj atvinnuflugmanna 10 largest shareholders total Other shareholders Total outstanding shares Nominal value of share in million Share 969 50,1% Market information Total shares 166 8,6% 149 7,7% Number of shareholders Market value at listing 1.936 M ISK 921 14,849 B ISK 97 5,0% Market value at 31.12.19 17,754 B ISK 82 4,2% Market value at 31.12.20 17,812 B ISK 37 1,9% Market value at 31.12.21 27,492 B ISK 36 1,9% Market value at 31.3.22 32,525 B ISK 30 1,5% 25 1,3% 24 1,2% 1.613 83,3% 323 16,7% 1.936 100,0% Shares owned by Skeljungur 0 Total shares as in articles of association 1.936 0,0% 100,0% 10 2.3.2022 2.4.2022 The AGM granted the Board authority to purchase own shares up to 10% and the option to increase share count by 200m shares No transactions with own shares during the period Change in share price of Skeljungur was 18,3% in Q1 2022 (closing price 16,8) SKEL
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