Bank of Georgia Financial Analysis slide image

Bank of Georgia Financial Analysis

GEORGIA ABSORBS NEGATIVE SHOCK FROM TURKEY Summary Diversified economic linkages serve Georgia well, minimizing negative impact from Turkey Despite reduced earnings from Turkey since Aug-18, Georgia's overall earnings from exports, remittances and tourism from other countries continued strong growth Georgia's exposure to Turkey, 2018 GEL's real exchange rate vs. TRY and GEL's REER 180% 180% Turkey Other countries GEL appreciated by 14.0% y/y in real terms vs TRY GEL'S REER appreciation was 3.4% y/y in December 2018, 160% 160% External flows as GEL remains competitive toward US$ % change US$ mn y/y Share in total, % % change US$ mn y/y 140% 140% Exports Tourism 232.7 7.4% 6.9% 3,129.4 24.2% 120% 120% 421.8 9.1% 13.2% 2,780.7 20.0% 100% 100% Remittances 105.6 -3.4% 6.7% 1,474.9 15.8% 80% 80% Import 1,470.1 7.0% 16.1% 7,652.2 16.6% Aug-11 Mar-12 Sep-12 Mar-13 Sep-13 Mar-14 Oct-14 Apr-15 Oct-15 Apr-16 Nov-16 May-17 Nov-17 May-18 Dec-18 Trade deficit 1,237.4 6.9% 21.5% 4,522.9 11.8% GEL/TRY RER (Jan-2010-100) Source: Geostat, NBG, GNTA, G&T BANK OF GEORGIA GEL'S REER (Jan-2010=100) Source: NBG Note: Index growth means GEL's appreciation and decline means GEL's depreciation 54 54
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