Future of Case Management Supports slide image

Future of Case Management Supports

All Respondents: Which of the following scenarios would you prefer as the approach for CMAs serving the Denver Metro Catchment Area (Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, and Jefferson counties)? No Opinion Metro Denver Scenario 1 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Metro Denver Scenario 2 No Opinion 34.27% 171 16.23% 81 Metro Denver Scenario 1 Metro Denver Metro Denver Scenario 2 14.23% 71 Scenario 3 Metro Denver Scenario 3 13.03% 65 Metro Denver Scenario 4 Metro Denver Scenario 4 3.41% 17 Metro Denver Scenario 5 11.42% 57 Metro Denver Scenario 5 7.41% 37 Other TOTAL 499 HCPF Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% COLORADO Department of Health Care Policy & Financing 40
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