Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion slide image

Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion

Building blocks towards a strong ROTE of >10% by 2025 Gradual recovery of NII ⚫ NII impacted by de-risking and end of TLTRO favourable terms in the near term Expected to recover from 2023 as loan expansion and margin stabilisation more than offsets foregone NII • Well positioned for rising rates given high levels of liquidity c.1% ROTE1 Non-NII: growth in a more capital efficient way Grow Net fees and commissions via multiple initiatives (CAGR c.4%²) Expand insurance income leveraging on Bank's strong market share Digital economy platform introduced to exploit opportunities beyond banking c.1.5-2.0% 1.8% ROTE 2021 Lean operating model Cost containment in the near term driven by transformation plan and digital focus • Committing to total operating expenses <€350 mn by 2025, despite inflationary pressures, whilst funding digitisation and investment in business Effectively eliminating restructuring costs as de-risking largely complete c.2.5-3.0% De-risking ROTE1 Normalisation of COR and reduction in other impairments as balance sheet de- risking largely complete Benefit expected to kick-in in the near term c.2.5-3.0% ROTE 1 >10% ROTE by 2025 1) 2) 72 Contribution to ROTE for 2025 Fees from banking activities (i.e. do not include any fees from Digital Economy Platform) ROTE1 36
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