Investor Presentaiton
Policy reforms are aiming to create a more conducive investment climate for infrastructure delivery
Some of Most Recent Reforms
Presidential Reg. No. 20/2018 on Use of Foreign Labor - released on March 2018
This regulation aims at simplifying the permit application process for foreign workers, hence making the process more efficient and faster, in order to
rise foreign direct investment in Indonesia
Presidential Reg. No. 56/2017 on Social Impact Handling in Land Acquisition Process for PSN - released on June 2017
This Presidential Reg. allows the Executing Agency to pay land acquisition compensation to the impacted community who does not have official rights
over the land required for PSN. This regulation helps to solve the land acquisition problem due to community objection over the land use.
MoF No. 60/2017 on Procedures for the Provision of Central Government Guarantee for the Acceleration of the National Strategic
Projects Implementation - released on May 2017
The supporting regulation for Presidential Reg. No. 3/2016 on the Acceleration of the National Strategic Projects Implementation. This regulation
regulates the scope and general requirements and procedures to propose and grant guarantees, as well as allocate state budget obligation on
government guarantees to all PSN. The guarantee provision is expected to increase the feasibility and trust of investors to participate in the
implementation of PSN.
Government Reg. No. 13/2017 on National Spatial Plan (RTRWN) - released on April 2017
The issuance of RTRWN can resolve spatial planning mismatch in the implementation of infrastructure projects listed in the annex of Government Reg.
No. 13/2017. A number of breakthroughs were developed, and one of them is that the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial can issue a recommendation of
spatial utilization; so that the process of obtaining project permission can be done.
MoF No. 21/2017 on Procedures for Land Acquisition for National Strategic Projects and Asset Management of Land Acquisition by
State Asset Management Agency - released on February 2017
The implementing regulation of Presidential Reg. No. 102/2016 on Financing of Land Acquisition for the Development of Public Interest in the
Framework of the National Strategic Implementation. This regulation becomes the legal basis for the financing of the procurement of National Strategic
and Priority Projects by BLU LMAN.
Source: Committee for Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Delivery (KPPIP)
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