Investor Presentaiton
"The judicial restitution required in this case would imply
modification of the current legal situation by annulling or
enacting legislative and administrative measures that make
over the effect of the legislation in breach. The Tribunal
cannot compel Argentina to do so without a sentiment of
undue interference with its sovereignty."
Consequently, the tribunal concluded that it would award only
monetary compensation.
A number of IIAs, in particular those concluded by Canada and
the United States (but by other countries as well), explicitly prohibit
awards of "punitive damages". This is a precautionary measure. It is
widely accepted that punitive damages are generally not available
under international law, regardless of whether this is explicitly
prohibited by the IIA.
P. Costs of arbitration
Investment arbitrations are expensive. In a case that goes
through a jurisdictional, merits and damages phase, each of the
disputing parties spends an amount equivalent to several million US
dollars. Costs and expenses fall into one of the three categories: (i)
arbitrators' fees and applicable secretariat expenses (often referred
to as "arbitration costs"); (ii) attorneys', or legal fees (which
typically account for the biggest share of the total costs of the case),
and (iii) additional costs for the involvement of experts and
witnesses, and hearing-related expenses for court reporters and
interpreters, where necessary.
The most common practice as an arbitration progresses is for the
disputing parties to contribute equally to the costs of the
proceedings. Typical initial advance payments in NAFTA Chapter
11 proceedings have been in the range of US$ 40,000 to US$ 75,000
LG&E v. Argentina, Award, 25 July 2007, para. 87.
UNCTAD Series on International Investment Agreements IIView entire presentation