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Investor Presentaiton

Resources Portfolio Resources exposure by sector (% EAD) Resources exposure credit quality by geography (EAD) Total EAD (Mar 15) $19.5b As a % of Group EAD 2.2% AUS ($b) NZ ($b) ASIA ($b) EA & Other ($b) 9.8 0.9 4.3 4.5 Oil & Gas Metal Ore Mining 14% Coal Mining 16% Services To Mining 15% 16% 23% 23% 6% Other Mining 6% ■1H15 ■1H14 9% 24% 22% 42% 49% 39% 91% 76% 78% 51% AUS NZ Investment Grade ASIA OTHER ■Sub-Investment Grade Resources portfolio management Portfolio is skewed towards well capitalised and lower cost resource producers. Over a third of the book is less than one year duration. Investment grade exposures represent 67% of portfolio. Mix of investment grade exposures in portfolio has increased across all geographies in 1H15. • Trade accounts for 21% of the Total Resources EAD. Mining services customers are subject to heightened oversight given the cautious outlook for services sector. ANZ 45
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