Investor Presentaiton
Annual General Meeting
KONE Corporation's Annual General Meeting will be held on
Tuesday 1 March 2022 at 11.00 a.m. In order to prevent the
spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company's
shareholders may participate in the General Meeting and
exercise their shareholder rights only by voting in advance
and by submitting counterproposals and asking questions in
Further instructions and schedules for shareholders can
be found on KONE's website at and in the Notice to
the General meeting.
At general meetings, each KONE class A share is
assigned one vote, as is each block of 10 class B shares, with
the provision that each shareholder is entitled to at least one
Payment of dividends
The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General
Meeting that for the financial year 2021 dividend of EUR
1.7475 be paid for each class A share and a dividend of EUR
1.7500 be paid for each class B share. Further, the Board
proposes an extraordinary dividend of EUR 0.3475 to be paid
on the outstanding class A shares and EUR 0.3500 on the
outstanding class B shares, resulting total dividend of 2.0950
per class A share and 2.1000 per class B share. All shares
existing on the dividend record date, March 3, 2022 are
entitled to the dividend. The dividend is proposed to be paid
on March 10, 2022.
Listing of KONE securities
KONE Corporation has two classes of shares: the listed class
B shares and the non-listed class A shares. The KONE class
B shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. and are
registered at Euroclear Finland Ltd.
More information
The Board of Directors' proposal for the distribution of
profit, page 100.
Shares and shareholders, page 28.
KONE ANNUAL REVIEW 2021View entire presentation