Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

Verbal & Telephone handover ■ Have the information ready. Know what you are going to say! ■ : Identify yourself/the patient S: Why are you calling, briefly state the reason/problem. How severe is it? State the admission date and diagnosis O: What are the current observations? Any IV lines/drains ■ B: Information related to the patient. Current Meds, allergies IV fluids, test results (date and time done-comparison to previous results) Resuscitation status. Relevant social information ■ A: What is your assessment? Given the situation, what needs to happen? What are you wanting? Review, advice, orders or transfer? What is the level of urgency? What have you done so far? What is the plan? ■ R & R What has been recommended? Clarify and check the for shared understanding. Who is responsible for what and by when Delivering a Healthy WA Remember to document
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