Nova Eye USA Sales Growth Opportunity
Key Risks - General
Section 2 identifies and highlights some of the general risks that potential investors should consider prior to acquiring shares in the Company. However, the following is not, and does not purport to be, a
comprehensive statement of all relevant risks and is not listed in order of importance. Potential investors should seek their own financial or other professional advice in relation to the risks and must make their own
assessment regarding an investment in the Company
General Risks
Market and an Investment in Shares
General Economic Conditions
The market price of Nova Eye's shares will fluctuate due to various factors, many of which are non-specific to the Company, including the number of potential buyers or
sellers of Nova Eye's shares on the ASX at any given time, recommendations by brokers and analysts, Australian and international general economic conditions,
inflation rates, interest rates, changes in government, fiscal, monetary and regulatory policies, changes in law, fire, flooding, extreme weather events, natural disasters,
global geo-political events and hostilities, acts of terrorism, state of emergency declarations, outbreaks of pandemics, outbreaks of war, and investor perceptions.
These factors may cause Nova Eye shares to trade at a lower price than the Issue Price under the Placement.
The trading price of Nova Eye shares may be adversely impacted by various factors, including new or changed governmental measures, business closures, lockdowns,
quarantines, travel and other restrictions and resultant impacts on economies and financial markets. The historic share price performance of Nova Eye provides no
guidance as to its future share price performance.
Any deterioration in the domestic and global economy may have a material adverse effect on the performance of Nova Eye's business and Nova Eye's share price. It is
possible that new risks might emerge as a result of Australian or global markets experiencing extreme stress, or existing risks, may manifest themselves in ways that
are not currently foreseeable. The equity markets have in the past and may in the future be subject to significant volatility.
Liquidity risk
Risk of Dilution
Operational Risk
Nova Eye is an ASX listed entity. Therefore the ability to sell Nova Eye shares will be a dictated trading volumes of the Nova Eye shares at the time of sale. Trading
volume itself is a function of the size of Nova Eye and the cumulative investment intentions of all current and possible investors in Nova Eye at any one point in time.
Current shareholders in Nova Eye who do not participate in the Offer will have their percentage shareholding in Nova Eye diluted. Investors may also have their
investment diluted by future capital raisings or issues of new equity securities by Nova Eye.
Nova Eye may issue new equity securities in the future to finance acquisitions or pay down debt which may, under certain circumstances, dilute the value of a
shareholder's interest in Nova Eye.
Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people or systems (including information security systems), or from external
events. Nova Eye is exposed to a variety of risks including those arising from process error, fraud, technology failure, security and physical protection, staff skills,
workplace safety, compliance, business continuity and crisis management. | 38View entire presentation