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Investor Presentaiton

NOBEL Rescues Cero. 7000000 7005000 7010000 335000 Magnetic Survey Results Hole ALG21-015 Depth Grade ALG21-016 ALG21-022 38.5m 111.0m 123.9 [email protected]%Cu 2.5m@1%Cu Structure Ruben Vein [email protected]%Cu NN Wein ALG21-002 3.2m ALG21-004 35 Sm [email protected]%Cu Zm1.28%Cu MM Vein ALG21-018 18 Sm AUG 21-021 121.2m [email protected]%Cu [email protected]%Cu AUG 21-006 24.8m ALG21-005 49.0m 1.7m 2.73%Cul 3.2m@3%Cu Descubridora Vein Gruesa Vein UNEXPLORED SEVERAL STRUCTURES INTERSECTION COVERED BY SAND Alicia Zone UNEXPLORED Gloria Vein 0 1.25 2.5 5 Kilometers 335000 MINERALIZED TREND 340000 340000 345000 Ruben Vein MM Vein Descubridora Vein Gruesa Vein MINERALIZED TREND UNEXPLORED HIGH GRADE COPPER EVIDENCES ANALYTIC SIGNAL MAGNETOMETRY Legend Hole Drilled Holes Mineralized Veins Claims Nobel29 Datum WGS84 19zone 345000 350000 7000000 N 350000 7005000 7010000 High resolution ground magnetic surveys (so meter line spacing and continuous reading on lines) has been completed. The survey identified a large magnetic feature in the center of the Property at the intersection of two highly mineralized structural trends. High grade copper has been identified over 5 km in the northeast trend and along the Gloria Trend in the south. The area of the Central magnetic anomaly is dune covered and has never explored. Investor Presentation November 2021 13
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