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Investor Presentaiton

110 INVESTOR-STATE DISPUTE SETTLEMENT: A SEQUEL arbitral tribunal. A party may seek such relief without jeopardizing its ability to pursue its claim for damages before the arbitral tribunal itself. J. Consolidation of claims 115 Given the huge number of bilateral and regional IIAS, the participants in a single investor-State relationship may be governed by multiple treaties. For example, one IIA may apply to a foreign company investing in a host State, while several other IIAs may separately cover the shareholders (of various nationalities) in the company, who thus participate in the investment indirectly." Even if the shareholders and the investing company are protected under the same treaty, their ability to file separate claims could result in the formation of multiple tribunals hearing essentially the same claim. In other situations, two or more investment claims can be closely linked simply because a governmental measure affects a large range of foreign investors. For example, after the Argentinean economic crisis of 2001, claimants filed over 40 investment cases, all relating to the same actions of the Argentinean Government, but based on several different BITs. Several complex cases have been treated as effectively "mass claims", with multiple claimants 115 A real-life example of this possibility is the CME/Lauder dispute where one claim was brought against the Czech Republic by CME, a Dutch company, under the Czech Republic-Netherlands BIT, and another claim was brought by Mr. Lauder, the American owner of CME, under the Czech Republic-United States BIT. The cases running concurrently and relating to the conduct of the Czech Government, but adjudicated by two different arbitral tribunals - - famously resulted in divergent outcomes. See Ronald S. Lauder v. The Czech Republic, UNCITRAL Rules, Final Award, 3 September 2001 and CME Czech Republic B.V. v. The Czech Republic, UNCITRAL Rules, Partial Award, 12 September 2001. UNCTAD Series on International Investment Agreements II
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