2022 Full Year Results slide image

2022 Full Year Results

4Q22 Corporate Centre - €m Corporate Center 4Q22 4Q21 4Q22 / 3Q22 4Q22 / 2022 2021 2022 / 4Q21 3Q22 2021 Revenues -249 -5 n.s. -46 n.s. -279 308 n.s. Operating Expenses and Dep. -190 -264 -28.3% -199 -4.5% -1,067 -903 +18.2% Incl. Restructuring, IT Reinforcement and Adaptation Costs -188 -82 n.s. -129 +45.8% -503 -292 +72.1% Gross Operating Income -438 -269 +62.7% -245 +79.1% -1,346 -595 n.s. Cost of Risk 59 0 n.s. -128 n.s. -185 -159 +16.4% Operating Income -379 -269 +40.9% -372 +1.8% -1,531 -754 n.s. Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities -38 4 n.s. 19 n.s. 23 16 +41.1% Other Non Operating Items 51 247 -79.5% -1 n.s. -59 775 n.s. Pre-Tax Income -366 -18 n.s. -354 +3.5% -1,567 38 n.s. Allocated Equity (Єbn, year to date) 3.7 4.3 -13.8% Reminder: scope excluding Principal Investments, which has been integrated into IPS Revenues Revaluation of proprietary credit risk included in derivatives (DVA): -€16m 4Q21 reminder: high level of positive non-recurring items, in particular, impact of a positive non- recurring item: +€91m Operating expenses Restructuration and adaptation costs: -€103m (-€61m in 4Q21) IT reinforcement costs: -€85m (-€21m in 4Q21) Other non-operating items Reminder 4Q21: Capital gains on sales of buildings: +€184m Net write-back in impairments: +€75m BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world 2022 Full Year Results | 88
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