Third Quarter 2022 Results slide image

Third Quarter 2022 Results

CPBS - Specialised businesses Arval & Leasing Solutions Arval %Var/3Q21 %Var/2Q22 %Var/9M21 3Q22 historical at constant scope and exchange rates at constant scope and historical at constant 9M22 historical exchange rates scope and exchange rates Average outstandings (€bn) Consolidated Outstandings Financed vehicles ('000 of vehicles) 26.9 1,520 +11.1% +5.5% +10.6% +5.5% +2.7% +1.3% +2.8% +1.3% 26.2 1,501 +10.1% +6.0% +9.4% +6.0% Leasing Solutions Average outstandings (€bn) Consolidated Outstandings %Var/3Q21 %Var/2Q22 %Var/9M21 3Q22 historical at constant scope and exchange rates historical at constant scope and exchange rates at constant 9M22 historical scope and exchange rates 22.6 +2.9% +2.9% +1.1% +1.4% 22.4 +3.3% +3.0% Reminder: restatement of 2021 outstandings related to the integration of an activity BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world Third quarter 2022 results | 68
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