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Investor Presentaiton

109 > Through Environmental Programs and local diagnoses, we identify the possible impacts and define mitigation actions. Besides widely announcing the ombudsman channels, we also hold meetings with the communities and with different stakeholders, such as civil society, NGOs, public authorities, where we inform the communication channels, contributing to the engagement of the community. GRI 2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations We currently have 22 instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations considered as significant. Among these instances, there are no isolated cases instituted for the exclusive collection of fines or for the application of non-monetary penalties. In 2022, there were no payment of fines for instances that occurred during the reporting period or in previous years. We consider as significant the instances reported in the Financial Statements (explanatory note with amounts greater than R$ 5MM and instances relevant to the Company). Details on such instances can be found on the Financial Statements, page 64. GRI 2-28 | Membership associations AES Brasil participates in several associations/entities, and the most relevant are: Brazilian Association of Public Companies (Abrasca), Brazilian Association of Electricity Generation Companies (Abrage), Brazilian Energy Storage and Quality Association (Abaque), Brazilian Association of Wind Energy (Abeeolica), Brazilian Solar Photovoltaic Energy Association (Absolar), Brazilian Association of Independent Power Producers (Apine), Brazilian Power Traders Association (Abraceel), Brazilian Green Hydrogen Association (ABH2), American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham), member of the Brazil Network of UN Global Compact and Energy Industry Union of the State of São Paulo (SindiEnergia). AES Brasil's participation in these industry associations and entities contributes to the discussion of important topics in the markets where the company operates and to exchange goods practices. This engagement is also relevant for the advocacy of common interests in the public agenda and for spreading our sustainability vision. GRI 2-29 | Approach to stakeholder engagement Our stakeholders include shareholders, electricity sector agents, electricity sector associations, customers, employees, communities, suppliers, the press, regulatory agencies, civil society organizations, and public authorities. We frequently engage with our stakeholders through face-to-face and virtual meetings, relationship meetings, e-mails, and phone calls, and we dynamically identify the main interests and demands of each stakeholder group. These expectations are assessed by the responsible departments, which then designs engagement plans for each stakeholder group, in accordance with the Stakeholder Engagement Policy. Geared towards transparency in the relationships and to generate shared value, these strategies are followed up and executed by the teams in their daily routine. The purpose of stakeholder engagement is different for each group. This engagement is continuous during the relationship period, through weekly, monthly, quarterly or even yearly contacts, and happens directly with the stakeholders or through representatives. The company makes human and financial resources available for this process, for hiring specialized consulting firms and tools that make communication easier. 2022 Integrated Sustainability Report > Attachments aes Brasil
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