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Investor Presentaiton

45 Cargill 2020 Annual Report Consumers FPB Material topic: . Food safety and quality To know how our consumers evolved and respond to changes in consumer habits are permanent issues in our operational day-by-day. We make available to our retail consumers the Consumer Customer Service (SAC) and Speak With Us chan- nels, present at all sites of our brands, to receive complaints or suggestions about our products. All grievances are forwarded to the responsible teams and help us create improvements in our product lines. Among the transformations we follow is our quest for healthier food by reducing its sodium content, added sugars and satu- rated fats in ingredients for the industry and in final products. HA CON MANUS 25 DE CACAU COA BUTTER CT OF DANIA BRASIL ESTRY CARGILL AGRICOLA SA DEO VAL 20/11/2007 EP C NDLI NO DRY H CARE SERVE EM LUGAR Cara Food safety and quality GRI 103-2, 103-3 |416, 416-1 In the numerous food segments in which we operate, one of the common points is the commitment with food quality and safety. We act with the assurance that our products, from farm to supermarket shelf, can be consumed without offer- ing any health risk and follow the best quality parameters, according to the Cargill Product Safety and Quality Policy. We count on standard interventions along the entire produc- tion chain to verify the integrity of the goods. Our produc- tive processes are covered by a Food Safety Management System based on international standards. In this system, we use the Critical Control Points and Hazards Analysis (APPCC) to identify the criticality of potential contaminants and the necessary mitigation actions in order to have a safe quality product according to legislation. Internal (done by a specific team) and external (by renown certifiers) audits are an integral part of our management system, and are done annually at all our plants. From time to time, we are audited by our clients and inspected by the regulatory authorities. The annotations of each of these inspections, and the corresponding corrective actions, are formally recorded in our internal systems, and the execution is managed by the responsible teams. Our processes and products are certified according the our clients needs, the market and regulations for each of our businesses, plants and product lines. Several of our factories have certifications relative to food safety (Food Safety System Certification - FSSC 22000) and quality (ISO 9000), religious certifications (Kosher, Halal) or sustainability (Proterra), among others. As the main metrics, we have incident indicators regarding food safety (FSRI), cost of non-conformities (CONC) and compliance with quality requirements (RFT), tracked locally and globally. One of our practices is to contribute with technical subsidies regarding relevant issues of the food industry. We actively participated in the public consultation regarding the review. process of the nutritional label of packaged food, together with food and beverage sector associations. The objective of this initiative was to help consumers make more consci- entious food choices. After being approved by the National Agency of Health Surveillance (Anvisa), the new legislation has been incorporated in our procedures for its fulfillment within the established time frames. Listening to consumers We participate in the annual FATitudes survey, done by Cargill global, to learn more about the vision, awareness and habits of consumers regarding fats and oils found in pre-fabricated foods. Among the results, almost three quarters of the Brazilians heard (71%) report closely fol- lowing the types and quantities of fats and oils in food they buy and 60% indicated a greater probability of buying food products with low rates of saturated fat. Consumer comments contribute to the development of greater effi- ciency products.
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