Investor Presentaiton
Program Eligibility: Employers 2/2
An employer must not:
Be a federal, provincial or municipal government and/or agency;
Be a broader public sector organization, as defined by the Broader Public Sector
Accountability Act;
Be a Canada-Ontario Job Grant Service Provider;
Be currently in receipt of other government funds related to the same skills training
for the same individual (e.g., Employment Service or Youth Job Connection Job
Placements or other training interventions such as Second Career);
Use training participants to displace existing staff or replace staff who are on lay-off;
Apply for funding for training that has already started.
Compel individual participants to pay any part of the employers COJG contribution
related to training, either directly or indirectly. The employer's contribution is the
employers alone.
Employers meeting basic eligibility requirements outlined above are not
guaranteed funding. The Ministry and/or service provider will apply value for
money and tier assessment criteria in the ranking and approval of employer
applications according to budget availability and the program's strategic priorities
Canada-Ontario Job Grant- Employer Overview Presentation
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