2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank
Protection cluster (opt) - ERW risk assesment by minicipalities
Need for GBV mainstreaming in the humanitarian response by
increasing coordination on GBV among the Humanitarian Clusters, and
strengthening national and community-based systems that prevent and
mitigate GBV.
Need for specialized services in community and a shortage of qualified,
trained skilled staff to deal with the trauma of ongoing violence, which
assesses the ability of the affected women, girls and GBV survivors to
meet their basic needs and access the essential services such as health,
MHPSS, legal.
Protection risk 6: Explosive Remnants of War in
The May 2021 conflict has left Gaza severely contaminated with explosive
remnants of war (ERW), explosive ordinance. A year after the escalation,
out of 16 deep buried bombs (DBB) that were located in Gaza in 2021, 10
were cleared and 6 DBB/ unexploded ordnances are still buried in the rubble
of damaged buildings or in farmland posing immediate risks to Palestinians,
hindering safe movement, humanitarian access and access to basic services.
Men are more vulnerable to life loss and injuries due to their larger
engagement in the public sphere, including participation in the provision of
first response services, construction work and scrap metal collection.
Concurrently, children are particularly vulnerable due to their curious
Risk Assessment Level
No data
Governorate boundaries
Key Protection Figures (January-June 2022)
Palestinians killed/injured: 12 Palestinians injured, including 7
children (6 boys, 1 girl)
UXO: 6 deep buried bombs still to be cleared (from May 2021
Beit Lahiya Um Al-Nnaser
North Gaza
Beil Hanoun
Ash Shan Camp
Jabalya Camp
Madinat Ezah
Al Maghragod Middein)
An Nuscirat Camp
An Nuseirat
An Nuseirat Camp
An Museirat CampAl Bureij Cam
Az Zawayda
Deir al Bafah Camp
Al Bureij
Al Maghazi CampAl Maghazi
Al Musaddar
Deir Al-Balah
Deir al Balah
Wadi as Salga
Juhor ad Dik
Al Qarara
Khan Yunis Camp Abasan al Jadida (as Saghir)
Khan Younis
Al Qarya as Suwydiya
Bani Suheila
Abasan al Kabira
Khan Yunis
A Nass (Alyuk Umm al Kilabl Fukhkhan
Rafab Camp
Shokat as Sufi
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